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The Research Process: The Big 6

The Big6



Check the pages above for each Step of the Big6 to get a further explanation of the process.

The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:

Overview of Big6 Process

Developed by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is the most widely known and widely used approach to teaching information and technology skills in the world. Used in thousands of K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and corporate and adult training programs, the Big6 information problem-solving model is applicable whenever people need and use information.

Conducting Research Interactive Site

Big Six Steps

Following these steps will help you to focus and stay organized while doing your research.

1. Task Definition

  • Define your assignment & identify information needed to complete it.
  • Restate the assignment in your own words. What are you interested in learning?
  • Gather basic information about your topic by reading articles, web pages etc.
  • Talking with teachers/parents/librarians is also helpful.

2. Information Seeking Strategies

  • Make a list of all possible sources & select the best ones.
  • Choose from nonfiction, news articles, reference books, web pages, databases, ebooks and multimedia encyclopedias.

3. Location and Access

  • Locate sources & find information within the texts.
  • Consult the library catalog, library reference section, search engines, and web-based references
  • Use a graphic organizer to map out your topic and sub topics

4. Use of Information

  • Engage with your source: read, hear, view & extract the most valuable information
  • Use skimming and scanning to find information that addresses your topic.
  • Look for key words, pictures, read headlines and first & last paragraphs of articles to help find the “right” information.
  • Take notes – cite your source on your note card 
  • Summarize, paraphrase or quote.
  • Remember to cite each source you use. Use EasyBib

5. Synthesis

  • Choose the format of your project and organize your research notes according to how you will share the information.
  • If your format is a paper, begin by writing an outline.
  • If you are producing a PowerPoint or multi-media presentation, categorize your main bullet points and images. Different formats require different types of organization.
  • Present the information effectively by practicing and knowing you audience

6. Evaluation

  • Judge the product (effectiveness). 
  • Judge the process (efficiency).
  • Did you meet your objective?
  • Judge the quality of your work.
  • Next, judge the quality of your presentation.
  • You can use criteria such as accuracy, content, creativity and legibility.

Big6 Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz.

Research Organizer



To complete this organizer online, use the form below. Note that you will not be able to save this form if completed below. 


Fill out Big6 #1-5 before you begin to work on your assignment.

Fill out Big6 #6 before you turn in your assignment.

You will need to PRINT this form BEFORE exiting the page.

Today's date:

Big6 #1 Task Definition

Determine a purpose and need for information—What am I supposed to do?
What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider listing in question form.)
You will most likely find interesting additional information as you use the resources. List below information that you feel you need to know at this time.

Big6 #2 Information Seeking Strategies

Examine alternative approaches to acquiring information. List the best sources to find this information. Don't forget traditional print and human sources as appropriate.
If using web sites, who will evaluate them for relevancy, accuracy, and authority?
I will use only those evaluated by and provided by my teachers or librarian, including the databases to which the school subscribes
I will find free web sites and use a web site evaluation guide for each that I use in my project

Big6 #3 Location & Access

Locate sources and access the information within them—Where will I locate these sources?
school library
public or university library
personal library
provided by my teachers
If using a search engine list likely key words.

Big6 #4 Use of Information

Use a source to gain information—How will I record the information that I find?
take notes using cards or electronic note cards
take notes on notebook paper
take notes using a word processor
illustrate concepts
use a tape recorder, video, or digital camera
How will I give credit to my sources?
use the LibGuide for information on citing sources and preparing a Works Cited or Bibliography page
Go straight to NoodleBib

Big6 #5 Synthesis

Integrate information from a variety of sources—How will I show my results?
written paper
oral presentation See Presentation Guidelines
multimedia presentation 
How will I give credit to my sources in my final product or performance?
include a written bibliography
after the performance or presentation, announce which sources I used

Materials I will need for my presentation or performance (list, separating by commas)

How much time do I estimate it will take to find the information and create the product?
Timeline for assignment
Ideas for project (task definition) completed by:
Information searching (note taking) completed by:
First draft due:
Completed assignment due:

Include here any additional information needed to successfully complete the assignment:

Big6 #6 Evaluation

Before turning in my assignment, I need to check off all of these items (on the printed Organizer):
what I created to finish the assignment is appropriate for what I was supposed do in Big6 #1
the information I found in Big6 #4 matches the information needed in Big6 #1
credit is given to my sources, written in standard citation format
I am in compliance of copyright laws and fair use guidelines
my work is neat
my work is complete and includes heading information (name, date, etc.)
I would be proud for anyone to view this work

Big6™ copyright 1990, Michael Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz.
Modified version of Barbara A. Jansen's Big6™ Assignment Organizer copyright 1995 
Used with permission.