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VFM 8th Grade Science Fair Project: Home

The Project

This year in science, you will have the opportunity to solve your own science mystery by creating and performing a science project.  This project is a graded assignment for 8th grade science.  You will be given the chance to choose your own topic of study and research.

To begin, we will be taking time in class to explore and select a topic of interest.  You will then formulate a scientific question that you would like to study.  From there, you will need to conduct targeted library or Web based research to gain the background information that you will need to formulate a hypothesis.  Next, you will design and conduct an experiment.  A written report will be used to summarize the background information, describe the experiment, discuss and display the results and state the conclusion of the study.  

You will be responsible to completing your project over an 8-10 week time period.  There will be some class time available to work on your project, but a majority of the project will be done on your own time.  Your science teachers will help you reach key checkpoints along the way and be available to help you if you need support.  We will divide the project into several steps, and guide you through each step.  

On January 13, 2015, you will present and display your project in the VFMS School Science Fair.  Projects will be judged by CHS students.  A few top projects will be asked to submit their project to the Chester County Science and Research Competition.  Your project will also be graded by your science teacher and be included in your grade for the 3rd marking period.  The project is worth 100 points

The Final project will include the following pieces that will contribute to your grade on the project:

  • A display board
  • A lab journal (see Lab Journal handout for details)
  • A lab report
  • An oral presentation of your project during the Science Fair.


See Student Science Project Schedule for a step by step breakdown and timeline for the project.